BARRICADES! (the play): Thurs. Sept. 8 @ 6:30

Posted in Uncategorized on August 25, 2011 by momentofinsurrection

map of Strathcona Park- gazebo is in the middle (click image);

Be on time so that barricade-commander can direct you to barricade-duty;

And please read the background info below.

“It is the ancient communes of France;

It is the French Revolution of 1789;

It is the June 1848 insurrection;

It is the Paris commune of 1871.

Most especially it is the next revolution, which is advancing under this dawn.

Revenge is revolution, which will sow liberty and peace over the entire earth.”

Louise Michel- communard

Théroigne de Méricourt –Amazone of the French Revolution

O have you seen Theroigne de Mericourt, paramour of slaughter, urging the unshod into battle; fiery cheek, fiery eye; performing her role by mounting, saber first, the royal steps.

-Charles Baudelaire,religion,kunst/res/Default/ESS_PasteBitmap008420.png

The means of the revolutions preservation cannot be imagined as moral means, for the republic will only preserve itself only by war, and nothing is less moral then war.Insurrection is not at all a moral condition, however it must be a republics permanent condition. Hence it would be no less absurd then dangerous to require that those who are to ensure the perpetual immoral subversion of the established order themselves be moral beings: for the state of moral woman is one of tranquility and peace, the state of immoral woman is perpetual unrest and pushes her to, and identifies with her, the necessary insurrection. -Prisoner of the Bastille which insurgents burnt to ground during French Revolution of 1792

Insurrectionary ConspiracySociety of the Seasons

The Society of the Seasons. formed in basic units of ‘weeks’,- in which there are six insurgents and a leader named ‘Sunday’- four weeks being combined into a ‘month’, led by ‘july’,- three ‘months’ a ‘season’, led by ‘spring’- and four ‘seasons’ a year, led by a ‘Revoulutionary Agent’.

Listen with confidence and without fear: you are with communist republicans and consequently you now begin to live in the era of equality. They will be your brothers if you are loyal to your oath, but you will be forever lost if you betray it. They have all sworn to it just as you have sworn to it. Always listen with the greatest attention: the community is the veritable republic: work in common, communal education, property and pleasure; it is the symbolic sun of equality, it is the new faith for which we have all sworn to die! We know no borders, boundaries, or homeland; all communists are our brothers; the aristocrats are our enemies.

Some Agents Of the Invisible Party

Louis Blanqui- The Imprisoned One

           Within three decades they (social democrats) managed to erase the name of Blanqui almost entirely, though at the sound of that name the preceding century had quaked.

Walter Benjamin: On the Concept of History*t1AtirRzSlo5epcZO1z2jM-qtCnsow8OhbLLiospdCVIaOQH*wNL3*LaLcV/Paris1848TheBarricadeHorace_VernetBarricade_rue_Soufflot.jpg

In current society, in which power circulates within the flows of nourishment, information and medicines; in which citizens take advantage of their rights to call the cops; it goes without saying that a revolutionary force must embrace all aspects of existence; it must be constructed as a force of supply-provisioning and as an armed force, as a power that is both poetic and medical; and it must seize territories. It must collect all useful intelligence about the adversary’s organization and provoke desertions in all ranks of society. It must socialize itself to the same extent that the social becomes military. But no more than yesterday: things can’t wait. Such a force is in the process of being constituted. If this force closely studies Blanqui, it is only to better understand the war in progress.

Tiqqun –the coming insurrection

Louise Michel –The Red Virgin

The new woman celebrated her resurrection in the figure of Louis, the women capable of heroic deeds but one who remains a woman in her passion and in her love.

-Emma Goldman

The walks of the Jardind du Luxembourg and the Square de la Tour ST Jacques still resound with gunfire and the cries of the Commune suppressed. There will be more gunfire, though, and more heaps of corpses. One day the revolutionaries of all time will be joined by the revolutionaries of the world and together they will cleanse the Mur des Federes with the blood of the executioners.

Raoul Vaneigem: Revolution of Everyday Life

Insurrection in East Van –the Comic

The social war of which the commune was one moment is still being fought today. In the task of ‘making conscious the unconscious tendencies of the commune’, the last word is still to be had.

Situationalist Internationale: Thesis on the Paris Commune